United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
The Tendaji Charitable Foundation supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our programs, services and initiatives will be in alignment with the UN’s SDGs. The goals are a call for action by both developed and developing countries to recognize that ending poverty goes in conjunction with other strategies. These strategies include improving health and education, reducing equality, and increasing economic growth while dealing with pressing socioeconomic and environmental issues.
The 17 goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are the following:
1No Poverty
2Zero Hunger
3Good Health
and Well-being
4Quality Education
5Gender Equality
6Clean Water
and Sanitation
and Clean Energy
8Decent Work
and Economic Growth
9Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure
10Reduced Inequality
11Sustainable Cities
and Communities
12Responsible Consumption and Production
13Climate Action
14Life Below Water
15Life on Land
16Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17Partnerships to
achieve the Goal
Leadership of the Tendaji Charitable Foundation
Founder and Executive Director
The Tendaji Charitable Foundation was created as a small, grassroots nonprofit organization in December 2021 by its Founder and Executive Director – Deborah Austin. In October 2022, the Foundation became a registered charity. The word Tendaji is a Swahili word which means “Make it Happen.” The Foundation's vision is to create positive and wide-ranging socioeconomic change and impact for the children, youth, women, and families that the Foundation serves. The Foundation’s vision includes embodying the “Make it Happen” philosophy by creating empowering opportunities for individuals to thrive in their communities.
Deborah is a compassionate and seasoned leader who has over 15 years of professional experience working in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Deborah holds an Hons. BA in International Relations from the University of Toronto. She is a recipient of the Beland Honderich Award, which is a four-year scholarship to the University of Toronto recognizing academic excellence, leadership, and community involvement. She also holds two post-graduate diplomas from George Brown College and has post-graduate training from Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University). Her professional experience includes working in the public service as well as two information technology companies. She has worked at the Toronto Star, one of Canada’s largest news organizations. As a leader and Certified Coach Practitioner, Deborah has coached and mentored numerous people through her professional and volunteer work. She has facilitated numerous workshops and traing sessions on leadership, communication, life skills and among many other topics.
Deborah believes in making a contribution to her community. Her family from a young age instilled in her the values of giving back to the community. From the time she was a high school student she has volunteered for a variety of charitable causes. She has held several volunteer and volunteer leadership positions in not-for-profit organizations. Deborah is a Distinguished Toastmaster, which is Toastmasters International’s (a non-profit organization) highest award. She has received several awards for her leadership and community involvement.
Board of Directors
Michelle Taenzer President, Board of Directors
Michelle Taenzer, a dedicated Tendaji Charitable Foundation Board Member trained as a teacher. She has taught at the elementary school level in British Columbia and Alberta. She holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brock University. In addition, she also holds two college diplomas from George Brown College and Niagara Falls College. She has held a variety of teaching positions in Canada (including in rural and First Nations communities) and internationally, including Asia.
Michelle has over two decades of professional experience working in the private sector. She has worked at organizations such as the Alberta Blue Cross, The Institute for Leadership Development, IOF Foresters, Fidelity Investments and Phinney Canada. Michelle has extensive volunteer and not-for profit leadership experience.
She has volunteered for several community organizations as well as served on not-for-profit Boards. Michelle has been a dedicated, volunteer Board Member since the Foundation’s inception. She currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors.
Joycelyn Austin
Board Member
Joycelyn Austin is a retired sales and fundraising professional who has decades of experience working in the private and in the not-for-profit sector. Joycelyn studied at Shaw College and has been a committed life-long learner having taken numerous business and personal development courses throughout her life. She has been a dedicated volunteer for charities and non-profit programs such as the Out of the Cold programs and church programs for people experiencing homelessness or who are precariously housed. One of her most successful volunteer programs was operated through a church where she cooked meals for people who were: experiencing homelessness, precariously housed, single mothers, the elderly, people with disabilities, refugees, and newcomers.
Joycelyn has also helped women and children in shelters who are experiencing homelessness or escaping domestic violence access formula, food, clothing, school/educational supplies and furniture through church programs, charities and other not-for-profit organizations. Joycelyn has been recognized for outstanding dedication with a volunteer recognition award from a Ontario provincial ministry for her compassion, leadership and dedication to volunteerism and the community.
Stacy Forde
Board Member
Stacy Forde is a dedicated mother and a volunteer leader in her local community in Guyana, South America. She is a Sunday School Teacher who teaches children and youth biblical empowerment teachings. She is involved in a poverty alleviation program through her church. This program assists the poor members of her congregation with items such as food, clothing, and educational/school supplies.
Many of the families in her church are single parent families. The educational school supplies that are delivered to the needy families in her local community are items such as backpacks, books, pens, pencils, and other school supplies.
Stacy is involved in the coordination and the distribution of these items. Stacy has been a dedicated volunteer Board Member since the inception of the Tendaji Charitable Foundation.
Tendaji Charitable Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Charitable Registration Number: 757882006 RR 0001