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    Poverty Alleviation Programs - 2022

    ,As a grassroots, registered charity, the Tendaji Charitable Foundation has been working diligently through its programs to support marginalized people in need. In 2022 , over 125 people have been helped through it Poverty Alleviation Programs: the Back to School and Winter Clothing Programs.

    In Canada, the people who the Foundation has helped includes: people who are homeless (women, children and youth), precariously housed people, and those who are marginalized. We know that due to the affordability crisis, many people in our community are suffering. The Foundation has provided help in Toronto, Ontario and Abbotsford, British Columbia. The Tendaji Charitable Foundation is doing its part to alleviate poverty and to help members of the community.

    Internationally, the Foundation has provided back to school support which includes backpacks and school supplies in order to support children and youth on their educational journey in Guyana. We are working to expand our programs in Canada and in the developing world.

    In 2022, the Tendaji Charitable Foundation supported the following organizations through its Poverty Alleviation programs:

    The Yonge Street Mission

    The Scott Mission

    Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

    Sara for Women

    Back-to-School Program 2023

    Our 2023 Back to School Program provided backpacks and school supplies to over 100 children in Toronto, ON and Abbottsford, BC. Thank you to our Founder, Deborah Austin and Board Members Michelle Taenzer, Stacey Forde, Joycelyn Austin and volunteers who helped to pack the over 100 backpacks full of school supplies and deliver the backpacks with school supplies to the recipients and organizations. The Tendaji Charitable Foundation was pleased to receive a wonderful thank you letter from the staff at the Revival Tabernacle one of the recipient organizations. Sara for Women in Abbotsford. BC also posted a thank you on their social media for the donations of backpacks and school supplies.

    Winter Clothing Program 2023


    Our 2023, Poverty Alleviation Winter Clothing Program assisted two organizations who help homeless and marginalized individuals. St. Andrew's Church in Toronto and Sara for Women in Abbottsford, BC received a variety of winter clothing items such as: sweaters, pants, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves. Our Founder, Deborah Austin and President, Board of Directors Michelle Taenzer helped to deliver the winter clothing items to the recipient organizations. Our donations helped over 100 people.

    Back-to-School Program 2024

    Our 2024 Back to School Program provided backpacks and school supplies to over 100 children and youth in Toronto, Ontario. Our Founder, Board Members and volunteers helped to pack the over 100 backpacks full of school supplies and deliver the backpacks with school supplies to the recipient organizations. This year the recipient organizations were the Christie Refugee Welcome Centre and Fontbonne Ministries.

    Winter Clothing Program 2024

    For our 2024 Winter Clothing Program in Toronto, two organizations were the recipients of our donations. St. Andrew's Church and FontBonne Ministries received a variety of winter clothing items such as: sweaters, pants, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves to help homeless and marginalized people in need. Our Founder, Board Members and volunteers helped to deliver the winter clothing items to the recipient organizations. Our donations helped over 100 people.

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